The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it 门朝里摆去,撞到了后面的大衣柜。
On the chest of drawers there was a pile of paperbacks, next to it, her handbag and keys, a bottle of mineral water and Guppy the elephant. 五斗橱上有一叠平装书,旁边是她的手袋、钥匙,一瓶矿泉水和那只格皮象。
Other parcels contained larger items such as a single bed, a bookcase and a chest of drawers. 其他包裹里还有许多大件家具,比如一张单人床,一个书架,一个五斗橱等等。
The Italian man, identified by lawyers in the case only as Antonio C, was rifling through an old chest of drawers when he made the discovery a few days before Christmas. 律师称这名意大利男子为安东尼奥C。他在圣诞节前几天翻一个旧衣柜时,发现了妻子多年前的婚外情。
Scarlett entered her room, set the candle on the tall chest of drawers and fumbled in the dark closet for the dancing dress that needed stitching. 思嘉走进自己房里,把烛台放在高高的五斗柜上,然后在漆黑的壁橱里摸索那件需要修改的舞衣。
A tall chest of drawers divided into two sections and supported on four legs. 有几个抽屉的橱柜,分为两部分,由四个腿支撑。
Diminutive in stature; a lilliputian chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet. 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。
She couldn't find her top in the chest of drawers. 她在抽屉柜里找不到她的吊带衫。
The closet whispered, the fireplace sighed, the little washing-stand ticked, and one guitar-string played occasionally in the chest of drawers. 壁橱轻轻说着话,壁炉发出叹息,小小的洗脸架也滴滴答答起来,抽屉里面似乎也偶然发出吉他琴弦的弹奏声。
Go for a baby chest of drawers that could be made of plastic or any other safe material. 转到一个婴儿胸部抽屉可制成塑料或任何其他安全的材料。
When you face forward from the cupboard there is a chest of drawers with my stereo on it. 向橱柜前方看,你会看到一个五斗橱,上面放着我的立体声音响。
Remy's chest of drawers not only turns its back on superficial, elegant design, but also criticises both the excess and the consumer mania that pervades the world. 林美的抽屉柜不仅推翻了文雅但肤浅的设计,还对全世界的无节制消费进行了批判。
The dressing table can be in the right corner and the chest of drawers on the opposite of the bed. 梳妆台放在右墙角,五斗橱放在床的对面。
The most sophisticated efforts to outsource work see workers in Hong Kong sorting more than 100 items made in China into a miniature chest of drawers full of all the equipment a child will need for the school year. 最复杂的外包工作是这样的:香港工人将内地制造的100多种物品分类装进缩微抽屉柜中,里面装满了一个孩子一学年所需的全部物品。
A couple more men had elevated themselves on a chest of drawers. 别外有两个男人,高踞在五屉柜上。